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Gerrit Stöver
Sales Representative
+49 69 273 166 142
Emely Wachs
Sales Manager
+49 69 273 166 158
Sandra Buchcik
Head of Sales
+49 69 273 166 168
Jennifer Zuban
Sales Representative
+49 69 273 166 159

Transparency Reporting

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Nimbus Health has always believed in the importance of transparency with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs), Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) and Healthcare Institutions (HCIs) and pharmaceutical companies for the betterment of the well-being and health of the patients. Cooperation between pharmaceutical companies, regulators, HCPs, HCOs, HCIs and patients, is essential for the sustainable improvement of healthcare. As per Industry Codes and legislation, specifically the Code Medicines for Europe, Nimbus Health fully pledges to disclose the transfers of values they make to HCPs, HCOs and HCIs. This includes, for example, sponsorship for travel and registration fees to attend medical congresses, HCP sponsorship fees for speaker arrangements or for chairing meetings and grants to HCOs and HCPs, and for any activities related to research and development.

Data Privacy 

Nimbus Health shall provide disclosure in line with applicable data privacy requirements and legislation and obtain informed consent by all HCPs. In cases where HCPs do not provide informed consent, Nimbus Health will produce the disclosure on an aggregate basis. 

Report as of February 2024 

Zero Report

Name of recipient Location of organization Date Location of the Event Purchase / Description of ToV Details of the expenses Aggregated amount / value
- - - - - - -

We had no expenses in 2023 and until YTD February 2024